Local | Area News

Tue Oct 8 District Meeting
GSR meeting Tuesday October 8 at 7:30 pm. GSRs & interested AAs welcome in-person @ Faith Community Church Rm 235, 146 E. Main St, Hopkinton, or via Zoom:

Zoom link:
Zoom ID 843 500 1513
Passcode: District23

Nov 8-10 MA State Convention
Mass State Convention Nov 8-10, Best Western Plaza, Marlboro MA.

For details visit

2025 International AA Convention
Register for the 2025 International AA Convention to be held July 3-6 in Vancouver Canada. See the brochure for more details with a link to register online & a mail-in form: click here

GSR Quick Links & Resources

Boston CSC: Monthly Bulletin
For Boston CSC's monthly bulletin: click here

Area 30 Newsletter The Messenger
For the latest Area 30 newsletter: click here.

WAI Newsletter The Beacon
For Worcester Area Intergroup's "The Beacon": click here.

Meeting Guide App

Download app: click here.
How-To Video: click here.
Instructions: click here.

Area 30 Delegate’s Notes Page
A page for the Area 30 Delegate: click here

Nov 1 Plain Language Big Book
On sale November 1st. See flyer.

2024 GSC Final Report
General Service Conference report: Click Here

Customizable Service Cards
The General Service Office has created A.A. Service Cards that can be customized for local use. The five cards provide a design template with areas to insert local phone numbers, web sites or QR codes. For details: click here. For some examples: click here.

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